"Savannah: St. John's Cathedral" Stretched Canvas Print

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Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 4.35.25 PM.png

"Savannah: St. John's Cathedral" Stretched Canvas Print

from $345.00

These are stretch canvas high-quality giclee prints. Because the piece is printed on stretched canvas, these prints are ready to hang on the wall!

*Custom-printed with each order

*3-4 weeks for delivery

Information about the original painting:

January-June 2015 Tiffani created seven oil paintings conveying her love of Savannah with her favorite monuments and blooms.  Pure, rich oil paint with Tiffani's original stream-of-conscious poetry... 

One of Tiffani's most beloved Savannah Monuments:  The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.  Tiffani wrote her M.A. Thesis on the beautiful mural program within the Cathedral.  This painting was created on Easter Sunday.  The stream-of-conscious poetry reads:  "In the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist...Light a candle...of Light of God...of Love always Love...I am that I am..."

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