"At the Flower Market: Beauty and Light" Stretched Canvas Print

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Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 11.25.55 AM.png

"At the Flower Market: Beauty and Light" Stretched Canvas Print

from $345.00

36” x 29”

These are stretch canvas high-quality giclee prints. Because the piece is printed on stretched canvas, these prints are ready to hang on the wall!

*Custom-printed with each order

*3-4 weeks for delivery

Information About the Original Piece:

This special mixed media painting was created in Tiffani’s studio in Paris. It serves as a self-portrait of the artist, with theme music of Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car” repeated in the background. Vintage Parisian paper of the Eiffel Tower peaks through the background. Pussy willows of her childhood, that grew in her grandparent’s backyard, accent the Paris flower market composition. Roses in the foreground symbolize Blessed Mother Mary.

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