"Aspen Trees: A Prayer..." Stretched Canvas Print


"Aspen Trees: A Prayer..." Stretched Canvas Print

from $345.00

These are stretch canvas high-quality giclee prints. Because the piece is printed on stretched canvas, these prints are ready to hang on the wall!

*Custom printed with each order

*3-4 weeks for delivery

Information on the Original Painting:

“Soul Roots” expands upon the theme of “Nature: My Cathedral” with a seeking to visually describe Divinity in Nature, the Sublime. What makes this body of work truly unique from past creations is the artist’s inclusion of recognizing the darkness, not only in nature, but in life. Darkness meaning “trauma.”

It is thus through the Artist’s techniques, that she expresses the overcoming of trauma and the seeking of beauty and light. Her organic layering depicts the messiness of life. Drips signify the cathartic release of both pain and beauty. Gold is utilized to depict Light, or God and Divinity. This Light is above all, magnified by the darkness.

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